Time is on my oven
I’m struggling to be separate from the label of myself. Even though my label i want for myself includes the separation that i’m in need of. My list of things includes good mom, good baker, good partner and good person and everything in between. But somewhere… you realize good to yourself is included in that. But how? Where? I’m not quite sure that it fits anywhere.
Of course there is all that talk about how you can’t love anybody until you love yourself but also you still have to pay rent and get your kids to school. So naturally you make a list to figure out how to “be good to yourself”. It includes… affirmations and diets and exercise and sleep as if… you suddenly have time for that. Oh! All this time i was doing… other things… i could have been doing these things. I call bologna…
How come being good to yourself means giving up a bunch of bad habits and picking up a bunch of good habits as if it’s all a choice and you can control everything. And then i realized that’s the issue!!! Here i go again trying to control everything and also pretending that includes time. Anyway I’ll try sleep first.